LIUNA AA Caucus Board Members, Brother Mamadou Bah (Local 506) and Brother Anthony Tubbs (Local 183) organized the first Caucus Appreciation Dinner for Canadian rank and file members of Central and Eastern Canada. The event was held to show appreciation for caucus member support. Held during Black History Month in Toronto, Canada at Local 183 in Gerry Gallagher Hall on February 18, 2023, the event was a huge success.
Brothers Bah and Tubbs welcomed members and Caucus President Ryan Boyer addressed the members emphasizing the importance of their involvement and support to the mission and goals of the Caucus. Also present were Brother Jack Oliveira, Business Manager of the Ontario Provincial District Council and Local 183. Brother Roly Bernadini, President of Local 506 also attended along with executive board members from both Locals. Ms. Charmaine Williams, a member of the Provincial Parliament of the Ontario Government and Associate Minister of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity gave remarks. Brother Jason Otey, Director of Government Relations and Communications for LIUNA Local 183 gave a presentation on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Designed to acknowledge rank and file members, the dinner included a great representation of members and their guests. The event, the first of its kind, was a significant achievement and a model for other board members. Brothers Bah and Tubbs are looking forward to establishing the dinner as an annual gathering.